A collection of graphics & writings accumulated over the ages. WARNING: NOT P-C. So don't blame me if you are offended. Any Copyright or attribution issues, leave a comment.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

The Fox Pass

The Fox Pass

In the north of England lived a man, poorly educated, who made a
large fortune by selling his design for a bicycle chain. With this
money he set about realizing his childhood ambition to become a
country squire.

He purchased a beautiful estate near the Scottish border, and
proceeded, with the help of some excellent servants, to live in a
manner none in his family had ever dreamed of.

Foremost of these servants was his butler, Jeeves, a well educated
man who assisted his master in every way he could to better himself.
The master would often ask Jeeves for advice on how to handle a
social situation, or to explain a new term.

One day when the master was reading he called Jeeves in and asked,
"Jeeves, what is this fox pass?"

"Sir," replied Jeeves, "that would be 'faux pas.' I'll give you an
example. Do you remember recently when Lord and Lady Plushbottom
stayed for the weekend? And do you remember how on Sunday morning
Lord Plushbottom pricked his finger on a rose? And do you further
remember how later, at breakfast, Lady plushbottom asked her husband
"Is your prick still throbbing dear?" and you said "Christ!" and I
dropped the marmalade? That, Sir, was a faux pas."


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