A collection of graphics & writings accumulated over the ages. WARNING: NOT P-C. So don't blame me if you are offended. Any Copyright or attribution issues, leave a comment.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004




THE RULES are subject to change at any time without prior notice

If THE FEMALE suspects THE MALE knows THE RULES she will immediately change some or all of THE RULES

THE FEMALE is never wrong

If THE FEMALE appears to be wrong this is entirely due to a misunderstanding which was a direct result of something THE MALE did

THE MALE must immediately apologise for causing said misunderstading

THE FEMALE may change her mind at any time

THE MALE must never change his mind without the express advance consent of THE FEMALE in writing

THE FEMALE has every right to be angry or upset at any time

THE MALE must remain calm at all times unless THE FEMALE wishes him to be angry or upset

THE FEMALE must never, under any circumstances, let THE MALE know whether she wants him to be angry or upset

THE MALE is expected to be an expert mind reader at all times

If THE MALE correctly anticipates THE FEMALE"S wishes he is wrong

If THE MALE offers help he must be sure that the help is actually wanted by THE FEMALE at that time

If THE FEMALE is suffering from PMT all THE RULES are null and void unless THE FEMALE decides differently

The FEMALE is ready only when she is ready

THE MALE must be ready all the time

Any attempt to bend, break, document or discuss THE RULES could result in actual bodily harm to THE MALE

THE MALE who does not abide by THE RULES is branded selfish, a wimp, and totally devoid of backbone


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