A collection of graphics & writings accumulated over the ages. WARNING: NOT P-C. So don't blame me if you are offended. Any Copyright or attribution issues, leave a comment.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Irish Virus

Dear Sors
We are afroid we may have allowed our "Irish Virus" out into the woild and that you may have received a copy. Please note that no voirus checking programmes can detect this voirus and there is only one woy to clean it from your computer.
If you fear you moy have this voirus, please follow these steps to clean your systum.
Immediately unplug your computer and all its periferuls.
Carry all of it to your bath and put it in. If your bath is too small, use a swimming pool.
Fill the bath and empty two bottles of bleach in followed by a bottle of detergant. Leave it for at least 12 hoors or over nite.
After it has soaked for at least 12 hoors, plug it in to the electricity supply to finish the cleaning. IMPORTANT, DO NOT GET IN THE BATH AT THIS TOIME. (Paddy down the road was in the bath when he plugged it in again and he caught the virus from the computer. His wake is next Thoirsday for all who knew him.)
After it has been plugged in for a few minutes, unplug it again and empty the bath.
Take the computer outside to let it droy.
When it is droy, take it in and plug it in again. All should work poirfectly.
If you have any problems after this, contact the shop who sold you the computer, they will be happy to sort them out for you.
Please forward this virus to everyone on your mailing list.
Thank you for your co-operation.



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